Country Meadows Senior Men’s Golf Club We are a fellowship of 170 golfers who are dedicated to the welfare of our members and the betterment of our community through our charitable work. We are hosted by a fine, well managed Golf Course with a club house that is ideal for all our events.
In 1995 after Harry and Susan Hogler opened Country Meadows Golf Club, Bill Sides who manned the pro shop suggested to a few regulars that they start a Senior Men’s Club. 18 Founding members attended the first meeting. They had instant lockjaw when the call went out for executive volunteers. It was Bob Flockhart sitting beside Dick Baker who said if you take a job so will I that started the ball rolling. Dick who had never played golf before, ( as attested by winning the most improved golf trophy in 1997; improving his handicap from 40 to 15 and not getting any better today) but had some administration experience agreed to participate. Hector Campbell did manual handicapping weekly events up to 85 members. Les Smith, Herb Jagger, Bob Flockhart, Al Jones and Roy McKelvie got the ball rolling and the Country Meadows Senior Men’s Golf Club was formed on October 18, 1995 with a lot of support from Harry Hogler. The original 18 members were soon joined by many others; 35 started the season in 1996, as all original18 had not played together previously, it was agreed that we would only play random foursomes. Many more wanted to join, but insisted they would only play with their friends; their applications were turned down. As a club we ruled this out as it would defeat our planned camaraderie, fellowship, knowledge and insight into our new partners in golf. The club kept growing to 100, then 150 and now 160 members with a long waiting list (2 or more years wait to get in). The 5-man volunteer executive kept growing along with membership to the current 15 members who run the club. The first constitution was written by Bob MacDonald, Herb Jagger and Bob Lane. The Members Manual was first produced in 1998 by Frank Donaldson (chair), Roger Weseen, Dave Sutherland, Roy Lawson, and Harald Underdahl. Layout, logo design and Country Meadows Senior Men’s Golf Club printing were done by A&R Graphics. This fact filled indispensable booklet is updated annually by Roy Lawson, Glenn Janse and Bill Sides, and distributed to all members. The Toonie Pot accepts contributions from every player and rewards those winners of weekly KP’s, low net and low gross scores and buys a beverage for all players when a Hole-in-One occurs. In one recent year there were 8 Holes-in-One and the pot wilted severely. During 2013 we had so few Holes-in-One that a freebie was given to make room in the pot. Handicapping which was done manually at first was computerized in 1998 through the BCGA and later moved to an independent system that is self administered.