Mark and Don presenting Check to Richmond Christmas Fund in the Amount of $2,578.82. The Funds were donated by our members at our December Christmas Breakfast. Thanks

THANK-YOU TO ALL VOLUNTEERS AND GOLFERS FOR HELPING TO MAKE THIS YEAR’s CHARITY GOLF TOURNAMENT A SUCCESS! This year we were able to present Dr. Marianne Sadar a cheque in the amount of $61,100 to enable her to research a cure for prostate cancer

Congratulations to the 2023 winning team with a score of 50: Gord Thorne, Gail Kadohama, Terry Greenslade, Rick McLardy, Karen McLardy

In 2023, Terry Greenslade received the club Special Recognition Award for his many years of service to the Club in multiple capacities

Each year in early June Club Members go on a week long Golf trip. In 2022 and 2023 the members travelled to Penticton BC and played 3 courses including Summerland Golf Course.